Tuesday, April 24, 2012


The first time I heard the word Mantra I an image of a small Buddhist priest sitting with his legs crossed on the floor with the smoke of incense filling the room whilst he mumbled and muttered some inaudible words.  I pretty much dismissed the thought of "using" a Mantra based on this mental image I had. 
About half way through my stay in Malta (the country I spent most of my 20's in) in 2004 I came across the use of Mantras once more and learned that they were wide-spread and used a great deal. People who were not Buddhist monks or new age followers but by sales people, motivation teachers, Astronauts and sports people as well as successful business men and women swore by the use of Mantras.

This lead me to really look into it further, still lacking the understanding of how to use them I had the impression that I would need to find one specific Mantra just for me, once again after a bit of research I found this to be incorrect too.  

One can use many Mantras for each areas of life I found. I started by trying to find existing Mantras and there were many I even made a note of a few and thought I would try them out.
   I must diverge just for a second to explain something about human beings and the way we learn. We learn, to put it in its simplest form through repetition and Mantras use this very powerful technique to achieve great results

The key here is to think about what you want to be doing and find a phrase that describes what you want to achieve and state it in the present tense. Some examples: I make 50 calls a day to grow my business or I run 20km a week and love it. 
Brian Tracy said "Your experience of life is based on one simple truth - You become what you think about, most of the time"  

Monday, April 23, 2012

Random meeting

Very often we are so quick to dismiss somebody by the way they look at us, are dressed or because they are sitting in your seat on a plane.
I flew back from Durban to Cape Town on Sunday and there was a lady sitting in the isle seat, I had the window seat booked, when I approached indicating I wanted to get through, she simply slid over and was now actually in my seat. I did not think much of this, but was not very amused, I sat in the middle seat anyway.
about 20 minutes after take off I noticed that she was clearly a nervous flyer as she had not said a word and was rubbing her hands awkwardly. 
I had to ask if she was ok, this started a conversation that lead me to shed a tear and eventually take her details.
She was turning 50 today, it was the first time in her life she had flown and was on her way to Cape Town to see her first grandchild who was born that same day. 
Shaheeda then went on to tell me about her 13 year old daughter, Bibi-Aishah who lives with Brittle Bone disease and I was truly humbled, she has broken 52 bones in her life and is in a wheelchair, my first response was to say "shame" when Shaheeda immediately commented that her daughter would have asked me why I would have said that as she believes she is just like everybody else. 
Aishah at 13 has started a society that raises money to buy wheelchairs for those who can not afford them, she speaks at schools and is an inspirational young woman. 

So the next time you think of dismissing some body think of the potential a random meeting could have. Contact Aishah on facebook or her mom on essop@webmail.co.za
http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003211625465&sk=info -

What it takes - a glimpse

I am 35. That in itself does qualify me to a certain extent, but not much. Where I can say my qualification to talk about “What it takes” comes from,  is when I say 8 years ago I was broke, homeless, very unhealthy and depressed. Now after following some simple but hugely powerful steps I have reached a point where I am not only healthy I am happy and poised to move my life onto greater things than I could have ever imagined.

What it takes” is an insight into the small changes that I made and how each of these changes resulted in the revolution that is now my life.  I do not profess to be all knowing, instead I have seen what works in the real world, with no degree or specific training I have lived an experiment of a life making changes as I go and now want to show you, “What it takes” to get achieve the life you want.
Any person from any background at any stage of their life will be able to relate as I mentioned before I was down and out and in a bad situation by anybodies standards.

Today I will tell you briefly about my situation 8 years ago:
I was in a foreign country, no work permit, no family in the country and battling a court case (for which I was later acquitted on all charges as it was an attempt by a local company to commit insurance fraud and I was their scapegoat.) the one thing that I did have was time and although not as effectively as was possible, I did use this time to learn. What I learned became the foundation of who I am today and "What it takes" is logical, easy to use guide on how to improve your life with  real world, practical examples.

follow me to learn more...